WHOIS Domain Lookup
Find out everything you need to know about a domain name.

Looking for a new domain name?
Hostie WHOIS search tool helps you check whether your chosen domain name is available.
Hostie WHOIS search tool helps you check whether your chosen domain name is available.
Hostie WHOIS search tool helps you check whether your chosen domain name is available.
What Is the WHOIS Lookup Tool?
Hostie WHOIS lookup tool shows the latest data registered on the official WHOIS domain database. It can be used obtaining information about the domain's registrant as many times.
How Does It Work?
Whenever someone registers a domain name, they have to submit their information to ICANN. Some of this information is made available on the public database.

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Frequently asked questions
WHOIS is a publicly accessible database that contains information about domain ownership, such as the registrant's name, contact details, and registration date. When you register a domain, your information is added to the WHOIS database, making it publicly visible unless you opt for WHOIS privacy protection.
Yes, you can use WHOIS privacy protection (also known as Domain Privacy) to hide your personal information from the public WHOIS database. This service replaces your contact details with the registrar's information, helping protect your privacy and reduce spam or unwanted contact.
You can register a new domain name by searching for your desired domain on our website. Once you find an available domain, proceed with the registration process by providing the required details and completing the payment.
To transfer your domain, you will need to unlock your domain at your current registrar, obtain the EPP (Authorization) code, and initiate the transfer process on our website. Make sure your domain is eligible for transfer, meaning it must be at least 60 days old and not recently transferred.